Who is responsible for Rape & Pedophilia Cases?
Hazarat Umar (RA) Said:
If a dog dies hungry on the banks of the River Euphrates, Umar will be responsible for dereliction of duty.
Being a leader, he was afraid that he will be questioned on the day of judgment about what? A Dog. Then how it is possible that there is nothing single entity that is responsible for the Motorway Rape Case of a mother, a pedophile case of an innocent child Zainab & Hareem? How it is?
So, In this article, I’m going to expose all those factors which are responsible for these kinds of rape & pedophile cases. Also, pointing out the problems is not everything, we have to find solutions. So, I’ll also discuss some best possible solutions for controlling this thing.
First of all please please Stop Seeing One Dimensionally. This is not a blame game. As there are two categories of people, One who only blame the mentality of Male & Other who only blame the women for their dress code.
According to my opinion, Both things have equal parts in rapism. There is an equal role of vulgarity as well as mentality.
So, Let’s Discuss
Definition of a Rapist:
A person, who can rape a victim (of many types) by using his power, force, or opportunity. 90% of the time, a rapist attack those victims, on which he can use his might(Power).
Types of Victims
There are 4 types of victims.
Adult Females
Childs (this term is defined as Pedophilia)
Animals (this term is defined as Zoophilia)
Dead Bodies (this term is defined as Necrophilia)
As Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) said:
Every child is born in a state of Fitrah
(Sahih Muslim: 2659a)
According to hadith, if everyone has Pure heart from the start, then how these cruel & brutal rapists are emerging? So now, I’ll first discuss two main reasons for these types of heart-shaking incidents & the reality of rapists.
Vulgarity by Women (Dress Code)
Can you deny from this fact that it doesn't play its role in increasing such cases? Can you? If yes, then I have a simple question for you. Answer this to yourself.
If there is no role of attractions, temptations & desires to females then
why this society is objectifying females so much?
Why marketing companies are investing millions on females stars for their ads?
Almost 80% of the ads are done by women & most of the ads are full of vulgarity. Even we can’t let our child watch cartoons on youtube, cuz we don’t know at which time a vulgar ad will pop up.
If there is no role of dress code in spreading temptations, what about these facts? Are companies are crazy?
Media Industry
Media Industry is playing a very big role in preparing rapists' mentality. Social Media platforms (Facebook, Insta, Snapchat, Tiktok & many more) are full of dirty & vulgar content. Our teens, that are far away from Islam, are watching them & slowly moving towards Zina.
Allah says in Qur’an:
وَلَا تَقْرَبُوا۟ ٱلزّنىٰٓ
(Surah Al-Isra: 32)
And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourseAnother Translation: Do not go near adultery
There’s an unbelievable astonishing philosophy behind this ayah by Allah Almighty. Why Allah doesn’t use the word ‘Tatadu’, which meaning is to “don't cross that limit”, or “don’t do that particular thing”? why?
Because this is a matter of Sexual Intercourse. Involving in such things will lead to your temptations at their peak, and then you can’t save yourself from fornication.
So, That’s what I’m pointing out that the Media Industry is full of vulgar stuff. Teens are watching it & because of human nature, they got temptations & desires. When these temptations reach their peak, they can’t control them, and then they use illegal & Haram ways to fulfill his temptations. Then rape cases incident happened.
I want to share some facts about the media industry which are told you how’s media industry is leading our youth towards Haram Sexual Intercourse.
Globally, the pornography is giant industry having net worth of $97 billion.
75% of parents in the survey thought their child hadn’t seen pornography online, but in reality 53% of their children reported that they had in fact seen it.
51% of 11 to 13-year-olds reported that they had seen pornography at some point.
So, Media plays a major role in spreading vulgarity & temptations for Sex among people. Girls with the shameful dress are everywhere majorly TikTok. Where are these all things leading us? Where? Answer to yourself.
This is the main part of my article. Finding out the solution isn't everything, we have to find the solutions. So, Let’s move on:
Far away from Islam
We (Humans) are nominated as Caliph on this earth by Allah (Al-Baqarah:30). And as there is an instruction manual for every product for using it properly. And in the same way, our instruction manual is Qur’an. But unfortunately, Instead of following Allah’s instructions in Qur’an, we’re playing the blame game. If we have faith in Allah, We also have to follow his all instructions, whether is related to Male or Female. There’s no Pick & Choose in our Islam.
Allah said Men to Lower his gaze (Surah An-Noor)& said Women to cover her properly(In Surah Al-Nur & Surah Al-Ahzab). So, Instead of playing the blame game, please please do your duty. Everything will get fine. And if you can’t read the whole Qur’an with meaning, please please only read the Surah Al-Noor with translation.
I wanna share a very strict message of our Prophet (PBUH):
If you do not have shyness(from committing sin), then do as you please. (Bukhari 6120)
Our institutions of PEMRA & PTA(Which are doing nothing), have to take strict actions against marketing companies that are using women with shameful dress codes. As well as these institutes have to censor the content of TikTok, Drama & Film Industries. The companies have to ban porn access completely as well as make strong rules of censorship.
As I mentioned earlier, There’s pick & Choose in our Islam. Allah says in Qur’an:
يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ ٱدْخُلُوا۟ فِى ٱلسِّلْمِ كَآفَّةً
O you who have believed, enter into Islām completely [and perfectly]
So, whether it is a matter of legal laws or govt, whether it is a matter of instructions for men or women, we have to completely apply these.
As, There are punishments of stoning to death as well as one hundred lashes (Depends upon category of fornication ) in the Qur’an, and we have to implement these things. If one rapist will get punishments, the others who are thinking to do the same act, will take advice from it & stop themselves. There’s always a brilliant logic & philosophy behind every punishment of Islam.
Wanna write a lot more on this, but keeping the fair length of this article in my view, I’ll stop here.
Jazak Allah for reading!